Precise show execution requires multiple elements, including top-notch equipment. This month alone, we've added new speakers, mixers, monitors and video equipment. These investments contribute to the professional show experience Marx Productions delivers with sharp sounds, vivid images and full production packages to audiences up to the tens of thousands.
Proud to update inventory with Christie Digital Roadster HD20K Projectors. With 20,000 lumens of brightness and full HD resolution, these projectors are perfect for large scale projection and video mapping. Xenon illumination provides natural color accuracy and stability. Its Intelligent Lens System offers crisp zoom, focus, horizontal and vertical offset.
The Marx team is proud to go pink during the month of October for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, as part of our on-going community support. For all women and men affected by breast cancer, we stand with you.
Many clients are expressing frustration with contractual obligations to use in-house audio/visual. This can be avoided with an outside audio/visual clause in your contract. As you are selecting your venue and space, include our team in the process. We can assist with contractual language.
We've added JBL V20 Line Array Sound Systems to our in-house inventory. These concert-quality speakers are groundbreaking for a smaller format speaker with a high power density 3-way system. What does this mean for our clients? Crisp, quality sound that is evenly projected throughout the room. The V-20 Line is the latest in speaker technology and throws sound farther than other speakers on the market.
The National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) hosted their 40th Annual Conference and recognized Mike Marx, CEO, Marx Productions for 20 consecutive years as their audio/visual supplier.
We are proud to announce that we've purchased a 27,000 square-foot building adjacent to Stellar Airpark in Chandler, AZ.